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Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference - pitch



1. v. & n. --v. 1 tr. (also absol.) erect and fix (a tent, camp, etc.). 2 tr. a throw; fling. b (in games) throw (a flat object) towards a mark. 3 tr. fix or plant (a thing) in a definite position. 4 tr. express in a particular style or at a particular level (pitched his argument at the most basic level). 5 intr. (often foll. by against, into, etc.) fall heavily, esp. headlong. 6 intr. (of a ship etc.) plunge in a longitudinal direction (cf. ROLL v. 8a). 7 tr. Mus. set at a particular pitch. 8 intr. (of a roof etc.) slope downwards. 9 intr. (often foll. by about) move with a vigorous jogging motion, as in a train, carriage, etc. 10 Cricket a tr. cause (a bowled ball) to strike the ground at a specified point etc. b intr. (of a bowled ball) strike the ground. 11 tr. colloq. tell (a yarn or a tale). 12 tr. Golf play (a ball) with a pitch shot. 13 tr. pave (a road) with stones. --n. 1 a the area of play in a field-game. b Cricket the area between the creases. 2 height, degree, intensity, etc. (the pitch of despair; nerves were strung to a pitch). 3 a the steepness of a slope, esp. of a roof, stratum, etc. b the degree of such a pitch. 4 Mus. a that quality of a sound which is governed by the rate of vibrations producing it; the degree of highness or lowness of a tone. b = concert pitch. 5 the pitching motion of a ship etc. 6 Cricket the act or mode of delivery in bowling, or the spot where the ball bounces. 7 colloq. a salesman's advertising or selling approach. 8 Brit. a place where a street vendor sells wares, has a stall, etc. 9 (also pitch shot) Golf a high approach shot with a short run. 10 Mech. the distance between successive corresponding points or lines, e.g. between the teeth of a cog-wheel etc. 11 the height to which a falcon etc. soars before swooping on its prey. 12 the delivery of a baseball by a pitcher. Phrases and idioms pitch-and-toss a gambling game in which coins are pitched at a mark and then tossed. pitched battle 1 a vigorous argument etc. 2 Mil. a battle planned beforehand and fought on chosen ground. pitched roof a sloping roof. pitch in colloq. set to work vigorously. pitch into colloq. 1 attack forcibly with blows, words, etc. 2 assail (food, work, etc.) vigorously. pitch on (or upon) happen to select. pitch-pipe Mus. a small pipe blown to set the pitch for singing or tuning. pitch up Cricket bowl (a ball) to bounce near the batsman. pitch wickets Cricket fix the stumps in the ground and place the bails. Etymology: ME pic(c)he, perh. f. OE picc(e)an (unrecorded: cf. picung stigmata) 2. n. & v. --n. 1 a sticky resinous black or dark-brown substance obtained by distilling tar or turpentine, semi-liquid when hot, hard when cold, and used for caulking the seams of ships etc. 2 any of various bituminous substances including asphalt. --v.tr. cover, coat, or smear with pitch. Phrases and idioms pitch-black (or -dark) very or completely dark. pitch-pine any of various pine-trees, esp. Pinus rigida or P. palustris, yielding much resin. Etymology: OE pic f. Gmc f. L pix picis
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  I. noun Etymology: Middle English pich, from Old English pic, from Latin pic-, pix; akin to Greek pissa ~, Old Church Slavic pĭcĭlŭ Date: before 12th century a black or dark viscous substance obtained as a residue in the distillation of organic materials and especially tars, any of various bituminous substances, resin obtained from various conifers and often used medicinally, any of various artificial mixtures resembling resinous or bituminous ~es, II. transitive verb Date: before 12th century to cover, smear, or treat with or as if with ~, III. verb see: pike Date: 13th century transitive verb to erect and fix firmly in place , to throw usually with a particular objective or toward a particular point , to throw (a baseball) to a batter, to toss (as coins) so as to fall at or near a mark , to put aside or discard by or as if by throwing , 3. to present or advertise especially in a high-pressure way ; plug, promote, to attempt to persuade especially with a sales ~, to present (a movie or program idea) for consideration (as by a TV producer), 4. a. to cause to be at a particular level or of a particular quality , to set in a particular musical key, to cause to be set at a particular angle ; slope, to utter glibly and insincerely, 6. to use as a starting ~er, to play as ~er, to hit (a golf ball) in a high arc with backspin so that it rolls very little after striking the green, throw 14 , intransitive verb 1. to fall precipitately or headlong, b. to have the bow alternately plunge precipitately and rise abruptly, to turn about a lateral axis so that the forward end rises or falls in relation to the after end, buck 1, encamp, to hit upon or happen upon something , to incline downward ; slope, 5. to throw a ball to a batter, to play ball as a ~er, to ~ a golf ball, to make a sales ~, see: throw IV. noun Date: 1542 1. slope, the distance between any of various things: as, distance between one point on a gear tooth and the corresponding point on the next tooth, distance from any point on the thread of a screw to the corresponding point on an...
Толковый словарь английского языка


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